Kellie Archer, PhD
Chair and Professor
Primary Research Questions addressed by Dr. Archers's Lab
My primary research area has been the development of statistical methods and computational algorithms for analyzing high-dimensional datasets. Such datasets frequently arise in studies that use high-throughput genomic assays, which yield datasets consisting of a large number of candidate predictors (p, the number of genes or proteins) on a small number of observations (n, the number of samples). Therefore, fitting statistical models for overparameterized problems is an active area of methodological research. My current research is focused on developing methods and software when the response is either ordinal, discrete, or a time-to-event response where subjects may also experience cure and the genomic data are collected cross-sectionally or longitudinally.
Areas of Expertise
- Biostatistics
Primary Research Tools and Methods
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Multivariate Data Analysis