2023 Seed Grants

The Foods for Health Research Initiative is seeking proposals from the Ohio State community for our Spring 2023 award cycle. FFH is dedicated to interdisciplinary, basic and translational research on the relationship between nutrients, foods, dietary patterns, disease prevention, and health promotion.

The FFH Seed Grant Program has three primary goals

1 Foster new collaborations and encourage exploration into promising, novel areas of research.

2 Enable the generation of data, novel tools, and methods needed for successful applications for extramural funding.

3 Advance the vision and mission of FFH.

These goals will be achieved through the funding mechanisms described in the RFP. Please address all questions to Matt Teegarden at teegarden.3@osu.edu.


The following topics are of highest priority:

  • Dietary patterns, foods, and nutrients in health and disease
  • The interface between diet, nutrition, and the microbiome, including fiber-containing foods
  • Chemical/biochemical underpinnings of food-host interactions that influence ingestive behavior
  • Food and agricultural science to develop and test novel foods and technologies that target human health outcomes
  • The application of advanced statistical approaches, bioinformatics and/or machine learning for the analysis and integration of “-omics” datasets relevant to diet and health outcomes