Foods for Health Supports the 20th Annual Russell Klein Nutrition Research Symposium


The Russell Klein Symposium is an annual research conference hosted by the OSU Graduate Society of Nutritional Sciences that honors the legacy of a talented OSU researcher, educator, and mentor who lost his battle with acute leukemia in 2006.  Foods for Health is a proud sponsor of this event, with FFH faculty, members of the FFH affiliate community, and their students prominently featured in the 2024 program which was held on Tuesday, April 2 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. 

The research programs of FFH faculty members Jessica Cooperstone and Rachel Kopec, were well represented in the student poster sessions, featuring their work on the health effects of lycopene-rich tomato juice enhanced with soy isoflavones (Cooperstone Lab); the bioaccessibility of nutrients through novel encapsulation and fortification; and the role of diet quality in reducing cancer-related cognitive impairment (Kopec Lab). 

In addition to FFH faculty, 17 FFH affiliates and their students participated in the poster sessions, which included research outcomes funded through the FFH seed grant program.  Foods for Health has invested over $935,000 in collaborative research at OSU since 2016, leading to externally funded grants totaling more than $9.9M plus multiple publications and scholarly presentations at national meetings.

FFH funded research represented in the RKS poster session included:

  • Cross-Sectional Associations of Plasma Fatty Acids and Self-reported Dietary Fatty Acids Among Women Recently Treated with Chemotherapy for Stage I-III Breast Cancer 
  • Validation of Dried Blood Spot Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Biomarkers of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake in Breast Cancer Survivors
  • Effects of Diet Quality on Plasma Carotenoid Concentrations in Breast Cancer Patients
  • The Effects of a Lycopene-Rich Tomato Juice Enhanced with Soy Isoflavones on Inflammation in Individuals with Obesity
  • Adherence to a MIND Diet Pattern is Associated with Better Cognitive Function and Less Peripheral Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors
  • Effect of Dietary Milk Fat Globule Membrane on Gut Function and Microbiota in Neonatal Piglets Following Lipopolysaccharide Challenge

Foods for Health served as a bronze level sponsor of the program.  We extend our thanks to student organizers April White, Jillian Pierce, Naa Komey, Maheen Imtiaz, and Ashley Kennedy as well as all the faculty, staff and students who participated in the planning committee.